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3" CDR

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Neptune - 3" CDr (Hiddenbirdhouse) cover
Neptune - 3" CDr (Hiddenbirdhouse) disc face



Mark Pearson
baritone guitar, amplified steel coil, bass, floor tom, lightswitch synthesizer
Daniel Boucher
drums, telegraph oscillator, electric gas pipe, drum synthesizer, electric thumb piano
Jason Sanford
baritone guitar, oscillator organ, foot controlled rhythmic oscillator

Recorded by
Josh Tibbetts at the Hiddenbirdhouse, Minneapolis, MN on August 23, 2006.

Mixed the same day by
Josh and Neptune.

Gatefold CD cases were designed, printed and cut by

Release # 16 / August 23, 2006 / edition of 240 /
{{ listen }}

Neptune - 3" CDr (Hiddenbirdhouse) gatefold jacket outside
Neptune - 3" CDr (Hiddenbirdhouse) gatefold jacket inside

We recorded this EP after completing an all-night drive from Iowa City, IA to Minneapolis, MN. Josh had already screen printed, cut and glued the gatefold 3" CDr jackets, so all we had to do was record 3 songs, burn the CDr's and release the new EP that evening at out show at The Turf Club in St. Paul. We pulled it off, but we pulled up to Josh's looking like this:

Jason, Hiddenbirdhouse recording session, Minneapolis, MN 2006
Mark, Hiddenbirdhouse recording session, Minneapolis, MN 2006
Dan, Hiddenbirdhouse recording session, Minneapolis, MN 2006
Josh Tibbits (engineer), Hiddenbirdhouse recording session, Minneapolis, MN 2006


Josh was well rested 

Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - Jason close
Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - Mark
Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - Joshua Tibbets / Barfweasel
Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - Dan
Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - tape machine
Hiddenbirdhouse recording session - Jason far
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